We all have long-standing and necessary holiday customs with our friends and family. Whether it’s snuggling up by the fire, arguing over the turkey, or scouring the channels for the right holiday movie to fit your current mood, one thing that appears to be the same in every family: how diverse each individual’s “holiday limits” are. When it comes to vaping, which entails expelling a large amount of vapor into the air that is also intensely scented, some people aren’t too keen on having it in their “vacation space.” Here are a few tips to be nice when vaping throughout the upcoming Christmas season:
- Take it to another room: This one is straightforward, and while it may be inconvenient for you right now, it will prevent a lot of useless complaints and drama from individuals who don’t like vapor. You can go to a guest room or even outside and savor your flavor while avoiding eating areas and other sensitive sections of the house. This is especially important if you’re visiting someone for the holidays!
- Don’t cry over spilled juice: While most vapors aren’t bothered by this, having an oily substance linger on tables and napkins may be a headache for a holiday host. We recommend keeping a napkin in your pocket to ensure that you wipe down your mod and any surfaces it has been placed on after each use.
- It’s not a competition: If you have another vaper in the family, that’s excellent! However, don’t take advantage of the holidays to “outdo” them. Don’t do that, whether it’s picking up the newest modifications and rubbing it in their faces or having a cloud-blowing competition in your living room.
- Put it on your wishlist: What better way to keep yourself vaping this holiday season than to put it on your holiday wishlist? Imagine unwrapping a thoughtful present to discover the mod or eJuice you’ve wanted to get for a long time.